Welcome to Synente

I provide executive assessments, talent diligence, and requisite organizational design services to Private Equity companies.

About Me

Vamsi Tetali

I spent 3 years at McKinsey before joining ghSMART where I conducted more than 400 executive assessments, with about 200 of those being for C-level roles in a Private Equity context. I also briefly served as ghSMART's Head of Digital Products, which was a role focused on building Machine-Learning powered internal tools for consultants.

My approach to advisory at Synente combines detailed career walkthroughs and organizational diagnostics with elements of Elliott Jaques Stratified Systems Theory. My methodology lets me not just comment on whether a given executive is fit for a given role that they are being considered for or an incumbent in, but also on what their potential for future development is and how to best support the achievement of their potential. On the organizational side, my analysis helps clients understand the level of trust inherent in the organizational system and how to improve it to pursue the desired value creation.

Contact Me

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